Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

The Secret Garden

Thank you for spotlighting Roo and his valentine day blip, he wants to thank all the lovely ladies for the cards!

When I was at school many years ago we had to make career choices as I wasn't quite up to Wimbledon standards I gave the tennis a miss, I also wanted to win The Grand National but lost my nerve on horses, ill join the police I thought but they had a height restriction so as I'd always loved the outdoors I took up agriculture and horticulture, going to college to learn, for some reason and I don't know why I was swayed to the horticulture.

I worked in the trade for many years, before finally being made redundant and having to find work quickly hence joining the NHS, but I've never lost the love for the outdoor life and still enjoy looking round gardens.

By the looks of it I'm not the only one...

Take a look at The Orient Express journel and what Roos up too!!!

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