Who Do You Think You Are?

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Caro is taking part in some Viking genome thingy. The package arrived today.

Basically, because she has 3 grandparents who are fae Shetlant* Caro can supply researchers with her DNA. To do this she has been given a little sample bottle and a swab. 

I'm not sure what she's supposed to swab. 

Anyway, once she's done that, they will track her alongside other Viking descendants and publish their findings. 

I don't think she gets any money for this, but they have told her that if they find any diseases she is likely to get AND if there is treatment or things she should be doing to avoid them, they will WARN her. 

That's quite good. I also pleased that they specify, ONLY if she can do something about it. I wouldn't want them to send me a message just saying, "You're dooooomed, give it up."

As for me, I shall continue on toward old age in ignorance of what might kill me. 

What's that you say? Diabetes? Can't heeeeeear you, la la la....


* As you see, I am familiar with the dialect.

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