In-Person Voting

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

My voting pack has arrived. I find this very exciting. I was chatting to Fat Pete about this, just this morning. 

We both feel somewhat more engaged with voting in Germany and NZ respectively. This is because of proportional representation. 

The other thing about this election is that it really does feel like a choice between Good and Evil. The opposition leader, Judith Collins, is a nasty, snarky, sneering, lying piece of work. Like other leaders I shall not mention, she covers for her incompetence by attempting to start culture wars, being "un-PC" and "telling it like it is", to distract voters from the gaping holes in her alternative budget*. 

A recent quote from Collins: ""The problem with secondary schools is there's too much photography and all those woke subjects."

I don't know about you, but whenever any right-winger uses the word "woke" I know they're getting desperate. It's like a trigger word for idiots everywhere**. 

And anyway, what DOES she mean? "Woke" means being aware of the challenges faced by people different from me. So how is photography "woke"? After all, I'm pretty sure even Margaret Thatcher took the odd snap and she was fecking clueless about non-white poor people who weren't her.

Fortunately, this has not been a good week for Judith.

Firstly, she is widely judged to have had her arse handed to her in the final leader's debate with Jacinda. Secondly, she was caught engaging with "ordinary members of the public" on an "impromptu walkabout" who actually turned out to be planted National party supporters. 

So yes. I am looking forward to voting for Jacinda. 

But because I'm a petty, bitter little man, I am really, really looking forward to voting against Judith. 

Maybe that will woke her up.


* Hey, guess what? Another right-wing party that wants to cut taxes but is also PROMISING not to cut services. Do we believe them?

** "Hello," Laurence Fox.

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