A few of my favourite things!

I have a large collection of bears both soft toys and less cuddly versions. All of which have a fond memory attached of either a place, a time or a person. All of which I love. Blipped because I couldn't move far yesterday because of my painful foot. I'm finding it quite depressing not to be able to walk around without dreadful pain and the thought that it will take so long to repair. Last time I had this it was a year before I could walk without pain! If anyone out there has a super quick cure for plantar fasciitis please tell me! I'll take any advice.
On a more uplifting note I did cut out a dress for Luna but as yet not sewed it together. I also finished the back of the matinée jacket for my friend's friend!
I made a new recipe with fresh mackerel for dinner which we both enjoyed.
A sunny day and a happy phone call to mum made the day seem not so bad.

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