
By dsyglsy

up early (for me) and in to town with peggy for the orthodontist appointment she should have had in march. all very hygienic...we were both a bit nervy but probably mainly because the woman can be a tricky customer to put it politely. anyway it was fine and peggy only has 5 weeks to go before her braces can come off. she had a wee cry as she wanted them off today but that was never going to happen. it was a relief to get home - and I went for a nice walk with karen round the bypass.
feeling gallous at having successfully managed these two things, I called the dentist to arrange to have my loose filling reattached. the more normal things I do the better and this is on my list of things to get sorted. I’m spending a lot of time just now checking myself for tension and purposefully relaxing...I’m hoping it will eventually lead to less aches in my core and less worry.

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