Dad enjoyed growing veg & Mum loves flowers,
so I reckon it's in my genes. Mum always has a few flowers, or an assortment of leaves from the garden in a vase. If she prunes anything and there are any blooms, she saves them ... she has vessels of all shapes and sizes to accommodate them, like these pretty nasturtiums in a Slim Jim glass, from The Anchor Inn, on the dining room table today.
I started the day up on the plot, cleaning the pots of plants I'm hoping to sell tomorrow. Out of the sun it was a tad chilly so I did'nt hang about. Heuchera, Achillea, Salix Mt. Aso, Chiastophylum oppostifolius, Hellebore, Euphorbia, Crocosmia, Carex, & Hakanachloe, plus a few Hebes. Not sure it will be that busy so I'll just take half trays. Not too many weeds fortunately. Labels written out yesterday. I harvested courgettes, Patty Pan squash, raspberries, & carrots. Cleaned the dead leaves from the Purple sprouting broccoli. Had a lovely chat with Chris, the only other allotment holder up on the site this morning. We spoke about the plot fees. It will be interesting to see whether Jim's plot will be split in two, as when I spoke to her she told me that full plots would be halved as they became available. Jim has given up his plot as he's moved out of Chudleigh. I told him about tomorrows sale, he bought £2 worth of apples. The sale begins :-) Just as I was packing up to leave Jorgiesmum & Jorige arrived. We had a chat as the black clouds approached, then the rain arrived. Ciao 4 now!
Back home for lunch then I nipped down to Knighton, picked Mum up for her flu jab in Chudleigh, by the time I'd turned the car around she was out of the surgery. Back to Knighton we had a coffee & catch up. My attempt at swaying Mum towards Morrison's for her shopping has failed. ARGH!!! A trip to Coop to be arranged.
I've just had a 16/1 winner :-))
Thanks to BikerBear/Anni for hosting Flower Friday
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