Butterfly Friday

I had lunch with Birgit today on her porch but no caterpillars or butterflies today, just a few chrysalis’ waiting for the butterflies to emerge.

I had taken Birgit my Lillian Beckwith “Hebridean Cookbook” so she could decide if she wanted to try and make any of the recipes.

She asked if I wanted her to make the Mock Haggis for next week and I told her no thanks! She likes haggis as does my Dad but I am not a fan. I’ll take mealie puddling please :-)

We talked about a lot of different things today including the Royal Family, Anne Glenconner, various Prime Ministers and others.

We also talked about a few books. Birgit leant me one of hers and I told her of one of mine that she needed to read

Although no photo of one of Vic’s Monarch Butterflies, I do have this one of the many Cloudless Sulphur Butterflies still visiting my garden.

Happy Weekend Everyone
Stay home if you can and take care of yourself and each other xx

p.s. for Breast Cancer Awareness see my extra

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