Ramster Gardens

Apparently this place is only open to the public due to lockdown - normally it only opens when the azaleas and rhododendrons are in flower as it is really a wedding venue.

However, needs must when it comes to generating revenue these days and it has to be said, the 'gardens' were genuinely lovely, with an absolutely gorgeous acer avenue.   This impressive acer palmatum was in a grove of mature trees just beyond the avenue proper.  (I won't say this too loudly, but I think the gardens are much nicer than a local arboretum.)

Unfortunately, this was an impromptu outing and  I only had my 100mm macro lens with me, which was not a lot of help in this setting.  So, over to the smartphone for some wide angle shots.  I hope to come back on my own in a couple of weeks (before the gardens close for the winter) armed with a wide angle lens as well as the macro for a proper photography session :) 

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