
By maddogmagpie

Man the lifeboats

We’re in a horrible mess. More cases per capita than pretty much anywhere, and lockdown measures are having no apparent effect.

Lockdown measures are a patchwork quilt of confusion and random gestures, gradually escalating to what will become a defacto second full lockdown. All while we hand 12 billion to Serco to run the worst track and trace system in this or indeed any other world.

Unsurprisingly , people have had enough and the most commonly expressed opinion is that “we just need to learn to live with it”.

Which means what, exactly? Let her rip? The hospitals in the worst affected regions are perilously close to capacity, and flu season is round the corner. I get that they are fed up; I’m fed up. I’d like to see my children in person, I’d like to go to a cinema or theatre; but what they are effectively proposing ends with care home residents left to die without medical help; with thousands of deaths because other conditions are untreated while Covid sucks up all available hospital space; with millions told to shield, when realistically there is no way to do that completely.

Thank god we haven’t got a bunch of clowns in charge of getting us through this, or we would be in big trouble.

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