The Two Faces of Punky

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

This is Punky, peering out into the dark. It's quite a nice picture of him, I think.

He was actually very brave today. We had Loulou, Tiger, Joshua and two friends of Loulou's round for games night. And Punky was actually quite sociable and gave Joshua a bit of love.

It's nice that he's feeling confident these days. Of course, he was nothing like Jasper, who rolled around and fussed for our guests and made the whole evening about him.

It turned out to be the most rubbish games night ever on account we never got around to any games. It just turned into a chatty evening. I'm buggered if I can remember much of what we said, other than Loulou's friends told us that she thought she was a trans woman when they first met. 

I can't see it myself, but she took it as a compliment. 


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