Totally Kimmish

By kimmiekims

Watchful Dolly

Poor Hubert has had a heck of a day! He had some complications during his surgery and we very nearly lost him! Don't read the rest of this if you don't want the gory details.

Rabbits are more complicated to neuter than cats and dogs so its already a challenge! Hubert had to be difficult when they were working on him, one of his testicles decided to spring back up inside his body, near to his kidney, this meant the vet had to make another very large incision on Hubert's left side to retrieve it! As they were doing this he haemorrhaged and was losing a lot of blood but thankfully they managed to stop the bleeding. It took two vets to save him and I am so grateful to them, I was distraught when they phoned to tell me he wasn't very well, I fully expected not to get him back home! We weren't sure if the blood loss would have been significant enough to cause brain damage but he came round from the anaesthetic fine and he seems ok.

He is now home now and doing fairly well considering! He is holding his left leg funny, this is obviously due to them cutting the muscles on the left side, but he is walking about. If you know anything about bunnies then you will know that it is important they eat within 24hrs otherwise their digestive system stops working, he has nibbled some broccoli and drank some water so he seems to be doing ok! I just need to keep an eye on him, obviously it will take him a bit longer to recover than normal.

He just looks a bit sorry for himself at the moment but I'm sure he'll be back bouncing about in no time, Kiki misses him!

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