
By EEPaul

Self-portrait via Zoom

A somewhat contrived self-portrait....

I am doing some consultancy work for a business that is hosting sessions using Zoom, and the business wanted to show its people all waving in a Zoom meeting. However, we forgot to do this during a recent meeting, so so I was asked to do one myself.

The webcam on my laptop gives a wide angle of view and so its portraits are a bit barrel distorted, so I connected my SLR as a supplementary webcam, then tried taking the selfie using my camera phone - it was that or "print-screen", and it's difficult/impossible to wave and press two widely separated computer keys simultaneously. It was also clearly difficult for me to remember to smile and not look like a rabbit caught in the headlights.

In other news, went to see my physio this morning and have been told I can resume some light running (2-3 mins then walk, repeat x times). Did my first run this evening. Hoping for no adverse reaction.

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