Long sad day

Left Warwick in good time but stopped at a handy Waitrose on our way in to Farnham, to get a sandwich for later and re-group. Church with 30 socially-distanced people in, then to cemetery to bury my beloved brother in the grave with his dear wife Gloria, who died about 12 years ago. After the priest had finished talking I managed to sing Tom Bowling - mask removed and at the top of my lungs (only way I could get through it), but with no-one closer than about 15 ft away. We spoke with nearest and dearest at arms length for a while, then D and I got back in the car and headed north again, having decided against going to the wee gathering in a hotel. We just drove and drove, stopping to swap over a couple of times (e.g. at Keele services which is where I spotted the smart little wagtail).

Got to Tebay around 8 pm. Had a truly delicious meal and then slept.

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