Moria Gate Arch

We had a good drive from Carter’s Beach to Karamea today and NO rain!
From Karamea, we drive on a very windy, narrow road to the Oparara Basin and completed 2 super walks. The first to Moria Gate Arch, where we had to shimmy down rocks holding on to a chain hand hold to enter this cave like place in the main photo. It was beautiful. Then we completed another Bush walk to more limestone caves - Oparara Arch, also impressive.
As we were driving into this remote location , we saw a vehicle with this sign (extra)warning us of goat hunters in the area. I was very keen that they identified their targets clearly too!
We are staying in Karamea 2 nights -and just had a dinner of the local delicacy “ White Bait”- they were delicious, but not to everyone’s taste.

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