Through the kitchen .....
....... window ,
as I was having breakfast this morning this was the view I saw . I must say at that point the sun was shining so the colour of the trees were brighter . I felt fortunate at this time in October I could still see vibrant colour .
" A " and I had morning coffee outside , it was a way of getting him to take a break from demolishing ( cutting ) trees down. There still a pile of branches to cut and bag up . But I really didn't want him to finish this job , he forgets his age and should only do it in stages. Anyway I may go and do some more latter. I've pottered with this and that and before you know it 2/3 hours have gone by.
Enjoy the rest of your day folks and stay safe.
Grateful ...... for "A's" help this am
Afraid rain has stopped play ??
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