Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Heavy rain...

... Some birds sheltered. 
Others (pigeons and jackdaws) waged food-wars with the local squirrels. The jackdaws, got to hand it to them, worked as a team. One flew up to the feeders and twerked, while the back-up team puffed up their chests and strutted (with interesting caution) amongst the pigeons, who were (in fairness) there first. The squirrels didn't openly put up their fists (today) but kicked around the nearby bushes, going 'lah lah lah'). 
The robin and the nuthatch minded their own business, toing and froing.
(Hands up all those who read that word 'toing' as in 'boing', the kind of noise a springboard might make when someone has launched off. Me too... For all the early years of immersing myself in Enid Blyton, I genuinely thought the wibbly wobbly man was called 'Mr Toe and Froe'.  Grown-ups should have read to me. I blame them! But I digress).

In other news I have made a (million ingredient) vegan ragu recipe for tea. Allegedly it will serve 6-8 people. I reckon 14 people will have enough for leftovers for the rest of the year. All to the good. It will freeze. Less goodly, I cut myself on tin foil. I've never done that before (I rarely use it) but weirdly just before it happened, I thought, 'I wonder if anyone has ever cut themselves on tin foil?'.


Spooky day.

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