Colcannon Pie

Doesn't look appetising, but it tastes great and feels healthy too... it's basically cottage pie but the mashed potato topping is mixed with kale. First Hello Fresh meal in a while...
The big news of the day is that I took my first Shawbury order!! - in a very serendipitous scenario... So: when with Pieroth I would regularly google their more iconic wines, and wherever there was a forum or review site etc which mentioned one I would add a post: "if you are looking to purchase this wine, contact me on..." (and then add my details). As Pieroth wines are not available online I would regularly be contacted by people looking to buy, some of whom had been searching for years!! I made about 50 customers this way... Anyway, today I had one of these calls, about a Hungarian sweet red wine called Bor Forras... Unususlly, the first thing the chap asked was "can you tell me about it, what it's like?" - so I described it, explained how it's like that (delayed harvesting of the grapes, basically). Usually they have tasted it and don't ask that, so I asked him why he was asking... He explained that many years ago his Dad was a customer of a wine company called Niedertellerhoff, and they did a wine called Jannos that he'd loved as a teenager... but that subsequently he'd never been able to find the wine or even the company - but someone had recently told him that Pieroth did a similar wine... Now, that was a very interesting thing for him to say, because the boss of Niedertellerhoff UK before it was taken over by Pieroth 20 years ago was none other than Mike, the boss of Shawbury... I explained all this, and the redundancies etc, and said I could give him the number of someone still working for Pieroth, but what about if I spoke with Mike and found out more about Jannos, and which Shawbury wine was most similar... He liked that idea, so I found out, called him back, and he bought 24 bottles!! How amazing is that? - phones up to ask about a Pieroth wine and ends up buying £400 of Shawbury wine. He was chuffed to know he was my first customer!!
Supported my "team" with sample ordering, technical computer issues, etc most of the afternoon, sat down after tea to try and make appointments but was falling asleep at my desk (nervous energy expenditure last night plus excitement of first order had exhausted me I think!). So I'm going to chill now and start again in the morning...

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