
By wiizzz

We're at Wendy's...

Pretty fast week overall. I got a 96 on my Global test and a 39/40 on my math quiz. Oh well.

I went home did nothing and later went out with Kevin and Nikki.

You see, I was supposed to meet them at the yogurt place at 7 and I got there a little early. So I texted them in out group chat at 2 to 7 that I was there and I get a phone call from Kevin saying they were at Wendy's. Alright, then. I get to Wendy's and figured we were going to go to Kevin's house after they finished. THEY WANTED TO WALK TO THE YOGURT PLACE AFTER THEY HAD WENDY'S. It would've been a little nicer to receive this information prior to having to cascade back and forth from locations.

We went to Kevin's after where we watched videos and played games. It was pretty fun overall.

Happy Friday!

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