
It was quite a reasonable day weather-wise so I took a walk after lunch by the canal.  As per normal I took a few snaps along the way.  On return home I was chatting to Ann in the front garden, she was weeding the drive, when I spotted this spider in its web, a Common Garden Spider I believe.  It was a tiny specimen, it took two cameras and three lenses before I managed to get some photos, it cleverly insisted on being out of focus every time I pointed a lens at it!

Being pleased I'd captured something for today's Tiny Tuesday, hosted by ApolloFly, I checked for a theme - something soft, doh!!   Oh well, I guess the web can be described as soft.......

In other news: a customer dropped round her laptop which needed a bit of work.  The biggest issue is with Cortana which keeps popping up all the time, even though I've disabled it and switched it off.  Unfortunately it's not easy to uninstall.

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