Tea time

Bill and Frances have a number of barns and out buildings. Over the years people have stored thing in them. Including this teasmaid. Bill is convinced it is ours. It’s not, we’ve never had a teasmaid.
He still thinks it ours.
I don’t even drink tea, a coffesmaid would be good though.

Anyway he sent it over for Poppy’s table top sale the other weekend. Unsurprisingly no one wanted to buy it so we kept hold of it ( Bills plan all along I suspect ). So I was glad to see him when he popped over to ask for it back so he could take it to a charity shop.

I managed to fix the fiat headlight. I worked out a complicated solution involving superglue and some carefully shaped plastic. That fell off so I shoved a massive screw through the back of the light and it seems to be working a treat.

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