Scottish Flyer

By ianjardine

Remembering my dad

I knew today was going to be a busy day so I was pleased to wake to a lovely sunrise as I planned on capturing an image early on. So, here's to you dad.

My father was a Royal Marine in his early years and served 4 years as a POW during WW2. Sadly he passed away back in 2000 and of course I still think of him daily, but especially on days like this. The reason? Well, when the atmospheric conditions produced mornings like this when I was a little boy I would often tell him proudly "It's going to be a nice day dad", and his reply was always "Yes son, but it's a bad day for bombing". Maybe not the most 'pc' thing to say these modern days but it still makes me smile when we have mornings like this.

So, this one's for you dad.

Have a great Saturday everyone, I hope you all have something to make you smile.

Note: Apologies if anyone is offended, none intended.

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