We are surrounded by NATURES COLOURS
How lucky are we?
I was surrounded by natures colours at George & Jeans this morning, predominantly shades of brown in the form of huge acorns & their cups. Showering down .... ping! ... ping! .... ping! One beautiful oak tree is on the edge of their park estate plot, the other even bigger is on the opposite side of the road, but overhangs their property. I suggested they contact the park office and ask them if they could use one of their leaf blowers to blow the acorns off the cobbles, but Jean did'nt want to do that. Walking over the acorns can be dangerous especially if you are already unsteady on your pins. I cleared as many as possible off the borders, the paths around the property, & Georges "lawn". I told him they got a mention on the local radio last Sunday. He told me he does'nt like the music Toby plays.It was his 93rd birthday last week. He told me it was next month when I asked. Rascal!! He was chuffed with his b'day cards, & 1 present in particular. An old MG headlight mounted on a cast iron mincer base converted into a bedside lamp. One minute George was sat in the greenhouse enjoying a coffee from his flask along with a biscuit, next time I looked George had gone & Jean was sat in there having forty winks.We did a couple of sneaky jobs while George was indoors. I gave the greenhouse interior a quick clean up, then moved in the large hibiscus that's been thoroughly enjoying the 2020 Summer. I did 4 hours gardening, still a few jobs left to do, but they could wait til next visit.
Back home it was lunch time ... A few more people have picked up some apples from the flasket outside. I mentioned todays Blip challenge, hubby suggested a drive up through the back of Harcombe. The beech trees are looking beautiful with the sunlight sparkling through.
Not many apples left in the flasket. I reckon one more day & they'll be gone.
I completed the fruity ketchup production this afternoon. 4 bottles. Done!
Roast turkey yesterday, turkey soup with lots of lovely veggies tonight.
Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting Wide Wednesday
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