Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

John Livingston's Tomb, Chamberlain Road

Normal Saturday. Bike maintenance and deal with grocery delivery. The extra chore is that the hedge needs cut.

In the afternoon, it's down to Morningside to queue to get some extra shopping. As only one of us is allowed in to the store, so I go to Chamberlain Rd to visit John Livingston's tomb. He was an apothecary. He died from the Black Death in 1645. The Tombstone reads:

This Saint whos Corps lyes buried heir
Let all posterties admoir
For upright lif in Godly feir.

When judgements did this land surround
He with God was walking found
For which from midst of feirs he’s cround.

Heir to be interred. Both he
And friends by Providence agrie
No Age shall los his memorie.

His age 53     Died 1645

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