Going through some of my Grandma’s things tonight, amazing the memories she has kept. On a leaflet from my confirmation at Liverpool Cathedral in June 1988 she’s written “Choose life, aware, compassion, enthusiastically” she’s written something else I annoyingly can’t read. Lovely to see it.
It’s been a long day.
Spent a wonderful half hour tonight talking to a wonderful colleague who told me she held me in high esteem and trusted me. The college I spoke to last night told me my analysis skills were “forensic”. These snippets of information we don’t really get from people we’ve known for years unless we ask for them, which we don’t. Thinking about those two colleagues- I have loads of nice things to say about them but rarely say more than a few sentences of praise because it can feel OTT. Also maybe culturally our society doesn’t encourage that kind of communication, maybe we should. . .
Thinking about all the time I spend talking about mental health in times of Covid maybe it’s time we try to be super kind and super understanding
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