
By Yeda

The Big One

Oh, you should have seen it, the biggest blip that got away!

On this day, the last day of March, I took a look at my month's worth of blips. It took inspiration, chance, perhaps a little technical know-how, and sometimes, just plain acceptance. I am so hooked by Blip that all day every day, poised with camera at hand, I keep a lookout for THE blip of the day. And so many slipped away from me either because I was driving and couldn't pull over safely or fast enough, or the kids would literally pounce on me as I tried to get just the right perspective, or the sun ducked behind the clouds before I could cast my blip... the moment just passed. I was caught off guard, my camera's memory card was mysteriously missing (!@#%!), I was seriously warned by my four-year-old, "Mama! If you take ONE MORE picture...!" Oh, the list goes on.

How the biggest Blip would get away.

And those biggest Blips are the ones I will never forget: The space ship pirates I found hiding in the upstairs closet eating a booty of potato chips reserved only for their parents; the two young horses galloping to my daughter as she stands defiantly on the highest rung on the fence waiting to pet them with outstretched arms; my son deep in consultation with his piano teacher; or the first time he rode the school bus home and leaped from the second step, beaming and ready to tell me everything.

The best blips are the slipperiest ones, the ones that get away 99% of the time. I'm so grateful for what ever I can catch; always hopeful I'll get the Big One next time.

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