
By Missycat

Day 206 Waiting to be read

Here are three books that I have yet to read.  One bought at a supermarket, one bought from a charity shop and the third, passed on to me by my sister-in-law.  On the top is my paperwhite Kindle, which has become my go to method of reading and I've lost count of the number of books I have on there.  It is but rarely that I pick up an actual book these days, although when we go on holiday (definitely NOT happening in 2020)  I like to take at least one paperback in case some happens to the Kindle.  Mr MC is still firmly in the real book camp and always takes several book away on holiday, but we do not have the same tastes so I have only once (in pre Kindle days) run out of reading material and had to force myself to read one of his!
When I first got my Kindle, I made some bad choices and some books have remained unread.  Somehow, choosing from the Kindle store is not the same as actually handling a book, looking at the cover and the blurb on the back etc.  Now I have joined an Instagram book club, originally started by one of this community and now I make better choices.  Currently I am reading The Choice by Edith Eger.  I downloaded it quite some time ago but felt that I had to be in the right place mentally to read it and now I am.

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