Pink and Large

We went on a stroll this afternoon and spotted this -- apparently, a baby girl has just been born!  This is the first time I've seen an 'announcement' this large.  Well, actually, it wasn't an announcement but an advertisement, but the fact that it was pink conveniently suited the event.  There's an extra of the whole animal from another angle.

AW didn't go to the bridge club tonight, and doesn't intend to, anyway, for the rest of the year.  The chairman of the Breda club has also tested positive, and I think the other club members are having a good 'think' as well.  It is actually sad because for many members this is the only social event in their retired lives, aside from family, and to take it away almost 'on pain of death' must make some feel slightly desperate if not totally depressed.  With autumn in full swing, all the leaves turning and falling, and the drop in temperature, many will feel lonely, I'm sure of it.

Colouring book to my rescue plus the Mindfulness MOOC.  Plus there is movement with the case in MNL -- apparently, we're scheduled for a hearing this coming Friday already, a pleasant surprise but a stressful one as well.  The Viking had filed a Second Motion and the administrative gods seem to have printed it out and put it right on the top of the pending pile.  The race is on again.  He emailed me not to worry.  Knowing him, he knows something good but the formalities are necessary, so we will follow procedure.  I wonder if my hunch is correct.

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