
I have been in frequent communication with my brother these last two days, he has been at Mum and Dad’s ensuring that all is OK whilst three British Gas workmen remove the back boiler and replace it with a modern system, M&D are now winter ready. It’s been a major job, The central heating system is largely 44+ years old, so it’s done well. D has removed a lot from the airing cupboard, which is now accessible. Not my photo, but I almost feel I’ve been there, and it’s been a bit of an event for me, my brother and my sister.

The COVID-19 situation in our part of the world is not at all good. I understand all the arguments about the economy, but if big measures are not taken soon matters are going to spiral out of control and the economic impacts will be much more significant. The virus will never go away - that opportunity passed long ago - but infection rates need to come down massively. Any measures will be unpopular, which is politically uncomfortable. My own view is we do need a circuit breaker with a proper isolate, test and trace system, and proper support for those impacted.

We’re in this for the long haul whatever happens, like it or not,

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