
All three of the discarded wooden chairs were bottomless. I have no idea why or who had dumped them on a piece of rather pretty land behind one of the local pubs. I wasn't tempted to take any of them home because we are well enough kitted out with chairs, thank you very much.

I've spent much of today photographing the many statement sheets that people who attended the One Billion Rising event that we organised in Norwich completed: stating their reasons for rising and / or stating what action they were going to take in the ongoing campaign to end violence against women and girls. There's some powerful statements in there and they can be seen in an album on my LookSeeClick Photography page on Facebook entitled 'One Billion Rising: Messages from Norwich'.

Each person gave their permission for their statement sheet and, in some cases, the photos of themselves to be posted which was wonderful.

Even though I had no distractions whilst I worked on the statement sheets here at home I had to photograph some of them several times before I managed to get them readable, I found my hands shaking so much.

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