Midnight snack
Lightly toasted sourdough bread Francis brought, with butcher's bacon and mushrooms... Mmmm!
After relatively short night we went to the butchers, shared lovely "sausage roll" (huge) warmed in the oven for late lunch, sorted some technical issues for Francis over conference call (installation / registration of POS - "point of sale" apps), failed to do the same for Anderson - poor guy, 63 and suddenly he has to learn new computer systems, new company, install broadband, get used to Apple after only using Android, etc - all while feeling rejected by the company he invested his life and soul into for 11 years... To make matters worse, his once underling is now his team leader... I have tastings next three days but going to go and stay Sunday night and see if I can help him get it all sorted...
Francis left 6pm, probably going 'home' to relationship breakup :/
Thinking of Julia and Tom and Wilsons today too.
Lots of tough scenarios for people - not me for a change, but I do feel that having been through tough times myself one of the benefits is increased understanding, sympathy and maybe even empathy for others when they experience the same.
Also watching the fairly morbid "The Missing" on iplayer, having enjoyed the later sequel "Baptiste" a couple of years ago...
Ben U confirmed his order, so that was one bright moment at least... I did message to ask the people from Sunday if they'd decided yet, got a brief reply: "stay cool!" :D
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