My star performer for 2020 is ......
Salvia involucrata 'Bethellii', Rosy-leaf sage. It's flowered all Summer long, getting taller & taller, the leaves are velvety, the new growth tinged pink. The cuttings I've taken have all taken, making more plants to sell. My birthday present from Mum last year bought at The Garden House, Buckland Monachorum. A garden definitely worth visiting if you are ever down in this neck of the woods. I did sneak some cuttings of Salvia 'Amistad' while I was pet/house sitting for Jorgiesmum, & they are all looking good. I also have trays of the smaller red flowered unnamed Salvia that was originally a gift from Nicky.
Housework, you don't hear me doing that very often ... Ha! Ha!
A message from Jorgiesmum got me jumping in the car. Had a coffee & catch up, admired the new paintwork :-) Had a bonkers welcome from Jorgie .. A strong contender for a John Lewis Xmas ad if they're looking for a newbie. I brought home bags of craft & gardening books, which I'll put out when I have my pop up plant sale, if they don't sell I can drop them off with the other collection of charity shop goodies.
Back home, lunch time.
Ironing, followed by changing the Summer wardrobe for Winter .. that did'nt take long. I seem to live in jeans. Thank you Mr Levi.
Dinner was a dish of orts, or should that be sorts. hubby could'nt make out what it was but he ate it. Turkey, bacon, mushroom & leeks in a creamy sauce topped with grated potato ..... think rösti, & homegrown carrots & French beans. Apple charlotte & custard for pud. I need to burn off some calories tomorrow on the allotment, turning some ground and planting blackcurrant cuttings will tick that box.
Thanks to BikerBear/Anni for hosting Flower Friday
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