
By caninegalore

Deer prints

Today whilst walking the dogs I saw these deer prints. So here is a story of something that happened a couple of months ago. Way back in August I was at work and had to go to a particular field to look at some carrots. It was a really hot day. I happened to see a baby fawn, so I thought if I very quietly got a little closer I could take a photo. Just as I took the photo I realised the poor thing was in trouble. It had got caught in the fence and every time it moved it made things worse. I called for help as I had nothing to be able to release it with. Three others came to help and they held it still whilst trying to cut through the fencing. It took a while and we worried it would die. I went to get a bowl of water and when I got back no one was there and neither was the fawn. I thought the worst had happened so was very upset. It wasn’t until the next day that I found out that as they carried it into the shade it had jumped out of R’s arms and run off into the next field. A happy ending to the story. I hope it continued to grow and is happy and out there munching on grass and running wild.

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