Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Old Reekie.

Up early. Headed up to Arthur's Seat with Fee, Gee, Mr S and Nos 1 and 3 (No 2 had a better offer).

Gee has never climbed Arthur's Seat. In fact (horror of horrors) he has only been into the centre of Edinburgh twice! He was most impressed with Holyrood Park, Salisbury Crags and the Seat itself.

No 1 took loads of pictures of the view from the Crags, it was hard to pick one blip - but I settled on this one.

Back down to earth, we popped into the Palace for coffee (thanks ma'am) and the use of her facilities (the 'throne'!). We tried to get into the public parts of the beautiful new parliament building but it was closed for recess (MP's need a mid-term break too it seems).

We rounded it off with a trip round the shop in Dynamic Earth where No 3 spent some birthday money on a parrot hand puppet which she made speak with an Irish accent. We (of course) had to call it Paddy.

Quiet night in tonight.

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