Not A Flower
I want this P!nk song to be my anthem. Maybe you'd like it to be yours, too.
I am finding things much simpler now. I think it's because the satellite for my television hasn't been working since Wednesday. They can't get here until Tuesday for the repair, but the good news is that I can't watch any news. And because it's a smart (4K) television I can still stream Netflix, Prime, Pandora and Sirius XM. I don't usually turn the idiot box on until late anyway. It's a simple pleasure. Peace and quiet.
Every Friday for a while now I've been looking for flowers so I can participate in the flower Friday challenge. And every Friday, I strike out. I decided to go with almost anything. With absolutely NO options down here at desert level, I took a very short trip up the mountain. As soon as I got to an elevation which supported broad-leafed trees I looked for any sign of autumn. This, my friends, was all there was. But it was fun experimenting with angles and focusing. It may be one of the simplest of my photos but perhaps one I enjoyed most in shooting. Simple pleasures. Simple pleasures.
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