Copper Beech Photography

By Copperhobnob

Osteopath Visit

I went to see an osteopath today. On the surface, it was about my elbow which is still causing me severe pain. She was horrified, however, when i said that no one had checked my back or shoulders.

After poking and prodding and making me move, she told me that my limbs were hypermobile while my back wasn't mobile at all. Apparently my entire spine moves as one and the fascia between my shoulder muscles and skin are locked tight. My muscle from my back up to my neck was rock hard, i've been aware of that for a long time.

Hence, my arms have been doing all the work with no support from my back. No wonder my elbows have gone!

So she massaged and manipulated and made my spine make the weirdest popping sounds. I hurt but in a good way. I am also incredibly tired.

2 more sessions and i have hope that my pain might finally ease.

Ohh! Ohh! and she said she thought it was highly unlikely that the weight of my beloved Canon DSLR caused the problem so maybe in the future i can buy another one! Woohoo!

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