Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen

Tonight called for games and knitting

The sky was low most of the day today and the temperatures never got above -7C. The wind just added to the weather, and I was out most of the day.

In the morning I drove to a town about 30 minutes away for a breakfast of older Ham Radio friends. It’s been the better part of eight months since I’ve seen them, so it was good to be together again, though distanced. Many of them are struggling with the loneliness, but they are glad they have their radios to chat.

We live in a part of the world where I am 35 minutes from the nearest towns. The one town has one case of the virus and the other has none. More and more the questions of health need to include the mental, relational, spiritual, and emotional aspects of life. To view these as significant as well.

We have guidelines that come to us from our leaders who have to set the guidelines for the worse case scenarios. I understand that. But there are whole areas of the province where there is no virus, and so remote that there are few if any visitors. Ever.

So in those areas people need to manage the risk for themselves. With wisdom, but also balance. Perhaps that’s another good reason that the leaders give us guidelines, rather than chargeable bylaws, as they did at the beginning.

I don’t know where this post ends, but it seems that we still need people in our lives. To visit with, to play games with, and to converse with.

The longer this goes on, the more those gifts will be needed.

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