The Julia Train

It was a nice dinner today and Marlane and I went upstairs after tidying, Jonty came to me looking for his Dentastix and I told him it was too early. He insisted so I stood up and told him to come to me. He ran away!!!!! As I turned to sit down again I knocked my laptop and spilled a full mug of coffee which went all over a mains lead that has 4 things plugged in. Immediately all the electric went off and I could hear the alarm going from the smoke detectors because they'd lost power.
It was the main RCD breaker switch that had tripped, so that is everything in the house.
I switched it back on after disconnecting my wet mains strip of course.
took a long time for the WiFi to reconnect so I switched it off manually and back on again, went around resetting mains powered clocks and oven, microwave etc.
I blamed Jonty but it wasn't his fault that I am so careless!

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