Lali's World

By Lali

Random memories 12

This is the last of the series!

It was my youngest sister Marina who made this little doll for me. I really like it! That was when she came to Edinburgh for a visit during the festival in August, it must have been 2009 or 2010... My family doesn't come over here very often, so it's always really nice when they do! It was great to spend some time with her and I hope she enjoyed herself. This was her leaving gift!

I remember, I had another sister who came here in the winter. I told her that in Edinburgh it hardly ever snowed... well, that winter was when we had the big snowfall in Edinburgh. It snowed solidly for the whole week my sister was in here, haha! Poor thing! She was totally unprepared for it!

Anyway.. this little gift reminds me as well of years ago, when we were kids and we used to give handmade gifts to each other! Great memories! :)

Been off today. I went to the gym, but I haven't done much apart from that. This evening I'm going to a leaving do for one of the guys at work.

Off tomorrow again! :)

Thanks very much for your lovely comments! I hope you're all enjoying your weekend! :)

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