More crafts

After a morning doing other jobs and preparing veg for the evening roast, I joined Mollie in the conservatory to do some craft stuff. Despite my headache, which has been around since yesterday, I pressed on and made a selection of candles. Still not getting them quite right - I seem to keep getting an air hole by the wick. But it is a satisfying craft when it goes right, and I love trying to find new things to make them in that are recycled/upcycled. I have more plans, but need to buy more wax and wick.

Mollie made her first pleated face mask which looks excellent to me, but she is very self critical, and then she moved on to her beautiful hand drawn Christmas cards. I spent about 2 hours trying to make a glasses case. It was a bit out of shape and not tidy. I should have looked for a YouTube video instead of making it up myself. I’ll have another go next weekend. I think our evenings after work will be too dark and cold to spend in the conservatory. The whole ‘hut STUFF’ idea is great in theory, but with limited time and space, the practice is so much harder, and we are both losing enthusiasm. Anyway, we will keep plodding on, and hope to at least make a few bits as Christmas pressies.

A roast for dinner which was lovely and something we don’t think we have had for a month.

Some tv now, and perhaps some knitting!

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