It's like Christmas all over again
Proper sledges/toboggans like this always make me think of Christmas. And if this story about Shearer is true, then it is Christmas!
This is Mr B's old sledge, the final instalment (oh, please don't let there be any more) of his childhood baggage, unloaded in stages from his parents to our basement store room. The room that (in our dreams) was going to be a gym (cue hysterical laughter about the possibility of a gym appearing in the B household) and is now stacked floor to ceiling, wall to door with boxes of models, soldiers and forts. And one doll (balance in all things).
Busy, productive day today. Mostly working out ways to raise money for the school's eco committee so we can carry out all the fabulous schemes the kids have come up with for making our school an eco paradise. I seem to have committed myself to spending most of April and May making cards and bookmarks to sell at the school's summer fair (I refuse to spell it 'fayre').
I really am, by the way, going to get around to putting some extra shots on flickr, particularly since one of the 'coots' I took a photo of on Sunday turns out to be a duck with a blue bill, and I think I need the blip birders to tell me what it is. I would have done it earlier, but we had one of our power cuts so I'm out of time now. I think they just like to keep us on our toes and stop us being too complacent about power. Still, we'll teach them - we've just left all the candles on and the lights off.
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