I'll Hold You Until the Day Will Begin

Another day away from the Challenge, not because I don't find things Perfect, but today my head wasn't perfect.

After my heavenly day yesterday.... the migraine hit. I was expecting it, I've had a heavy week at work, and I was pretty stressed. So last night, as I sat at the top of the hill looking for the comet, I felt quite contented with my head hanging out the car window in the dark, I thought... Mmm, I need bed.

Head was still fuggy today, but I had to go a message, Si confiscated a mobile last night and it was pinging and beeping, so I got dressed and took it to the phone home, and then went into town to pick up a couple of bits.

I managed to meet up with mum and have a coffee in the Church hall, and I remained fuggy, and I had to sit here at the Cross waiting for her to arrive, and I haven't done anything to this picture, this is how it looked to me.

This is part of my One Street images. This is the Cross. Where Portland Street is intersected by Templehill and Ayr Street, and becomes West Portland Street. When I was little, the Coral Shop was Granada, and where I bought my records upstairs in the Music department.... The shop diagonally across from where I was sitting was a sweetie shop.... it's been a jewellers, a gift shop, and now in it's present reincarnation a baby wear shop.

Next door is the Pooch Pantry which I featured before, and then there is an empty shop and then Fullartons where Mum and Dad Mk 11 took me for lunch last week.

Then I came home, took pills and went to bed.

And now, I'm sitting here and contemplating going back to bed. ...

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