
I went to the library this morning to get another five books, because it will be closed due to another lock down starting on Friday. J made a chicken & mushroom casserole for our daughter, son-in-law and g/daughter & Katie came to collect it during her lunch break. We  had our lunch while listening to our FM Mark Drakeford deliver the news of the circuit breaker with all the details. I have been attempting the mono Monday challenge for the last couple of weeks, although I nearly gave up with today's, but then I thought, hang on a minute, what does a challenge mean? and then  inspiration struck. We watched the first episode of Roadkill on BBC1 last night. There is a lot of dirty dealings going on there, don't you think? We are having gammon egg & chips for our evening meal, with a nice cup of tea.
Thank you to Randomangel for hosting.

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