View From The Top
Doon Hill trig point, East Lothian. After a family morning I spent a lot of time fiddling on the computer so I eventually got out about 4pm. Joe had been on the beach fishing all day, but I'd missed him by then so I headed up, up, up.
What better bike to do that on than the little single-speed 'cross - and what fun that was in all it's nadgery, hang-on-for-dear-life glory :) I punctured on a thorn on the last farm track before the fields, but made it to the top before it was flat. I stopped here to change the tube and enjoy the end of the day.
Huge Hill View.
An evening of wine and radio on iPlayer, more excellence from Gilles Peterson. Maybe another Italian film later, I have a little collection awaiting my attention. I can really recommend "Pranzo di Ferragosto" which is a gentle and warm family tale about simple lives in Rome and the joy to be found in acceptance. Well, that was my take on it anyway. A lovely film.
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