Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH


It's done!  We've finally exchanged contracts on our sale and purchase so everything is good to go.  I really appreciate all the comments people made wishing us luck for today; clearly it all worked!  Our removers will arrive on Wednesday and work through Thursday and maybe Friday to pack everything up for storage, and today, while we still had the van, we thought we'd take as much as we could to the tip.  We managed to fill the van completely!

Two things that went were these; my TV and W's Ghetto Blaster.  I still remember buying this TV; I'd walked past the shop window several times and thought how wonderful and modern it looked, and how I would love to own it.  That was 1972; I was 19, and I had just moved into a flat on my own after two years of living in 'digs' or sharing a house with a friend.  I still remember that it cost over £60, a colossal amount in those days, which I paid off at about a fiver a month by going into the shop with my payment book; no finance companies involved in those days!  I'd always said I would hang onto it and clean it up and display it sometime but it's been in the loft for about 30 years so I have accepted it's never going to happen.  W's ghetto blaster had similar sentimental memories but we agreed it was time to move on.

I'm afraid that for the next few days I will continue being unable to look at anyone else's blips; far too much to do.  Hopefully I'll be back some time next week but I appreciate all the comments and stars you've given me on mine.

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