Finished the house for the layout
Late yesterday I finished the house and outhouse for the Sn3 layout. It is "our" house. Both structures are kits from Wild West Scale Models. They are finished - with light weathering because we take care of our place. They are set on the layout about where they will be permanently. I need to wait to do the final scenery for them, as there is another house to be built behind this one. Easier to finish the scenery from back to front. I also need to build some aspen trees for the background. No more building for now - I promised myself to change out six switch motors before I do another structure.
The two story outhouse is evidentially based on a prototype. In Colorado in the 50's,, there was a TON of snow in this area. So deep that people just used the second story outhouse in the winter. Not sure how all that worked in the spring - you get the picture. Probably the youngest kid got to clean it.
The extra "blip" is a poor photo of the details I need to build and paint for the front porch. They are 3D printed models from The Aspen Model Co. Excellent detail. The bench and black lab are ready for primer and paint. The pieces at the bottom will be built into a man sitting reading a newspaper. You can see his head, arms, torso, bottom and legs, and feet. I will ACC glue it together, prime, and paint. Pretty small parts. A friend saw the details and said "I think you are crazy". Yep - that is me. So this figure will be me, and I already have a figure for my wife ready to go.
BTW that is a 1950 Caddie for us. Always loved the way it looked. About as close as I will ever get to one. Bought it on eBay for a very reasonable price.
Always something.
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