Hidden power
The rain stayed away until mid afternoon which was a bonus. Visit to the hairdresser about which I was a bit thrawn – the last two times the hairdresser’s face masked had slipped, and then remained, below her nose, and I said nothing. I had planned to be diplomatically assertive today. However there was no need because she was self-isolating for the second time in as many months and it was the owner who cut my hair. We shared concerns, although mine in comparison are negligible, and our admiration for the FM’s leadership through all of this. Business is steady but she has lost the Friday/weekend income with the ‘not going out’ situation.
Walked home the long way round which meant I noticed this building, properly, for the first time, I drive past it along Haggs Road regularly. Three chaps in orange boiler suits were coming out and I engaged in conversation. Did they know what it originally was? The answer is that it has always been a power station. This conversation was overheard by a fourth worker who recommended I seek out the one at St Andrew’s Cross, built around 1890 and although closed in 1922 the fine building remains intact. Sure enough when I googled it up and found a photo it is indeed impressive and looks more like an elaborate late Victorian railway station.
I finally got round to dismantling the desk in the second bedroom – we both prefer to use the dining table, and I no longer have those interminable tricky skype meetings. It has created more space and most usefully means that I can hang out of the window, unimpeded by furniture, to blip if I am running short on content and the weather is atrocious.
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