Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

The gate and stile...

...stand very close to each other - but at least the stile isn't a tight squeeze through the vegetation these days...
Thanks for WidWed Bob!
And thanks to all of you who helped me celebrate a Blip Milestone yesterday with stars, hearts and lovely comments - you're very kind, and I will get round to thanking you all individually soon ;) 

We are in Tier 3 in South Yorkshire as from Saturday, so we're tootling up to Tynemouth this evening til the weekend in case there's a complete lockdown soon. We take our Tier 3 status with us, so we'll only be seeing people outdoors - and not many of them, as we have reduced our contacts considerably since March. Take care folks!

CORONA CLASSICS - "Andante Cantabile" from Florence Price's "String Quartet in a minor"  Another to commemorate Black History Month.   Florence Beatrice Price (1887 –1953) was an African-American classical composer, pianist, organist and music teacher. Price is noted as the first African-American woman to be recognized as a symphonic composer, and the first to have a composition played by a major orchestra.

I’m sticking with the cellos - COVID CELLO PROJECT 5 “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen
And Dolly has added an extra link as a tribute to Spencer Davis who died yesterday aged 81   Somebody Help Me - Spencer Davis Group

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