The Wofflings Of A Doris

By DorisOrDwagon

Seeing the light

Beautiful springlike day. This is our front door making another appearance, from the inside this time. I've often noticed, and liked seeing the light shining through the pane and creating a silhouette/shadow/reflection on the wall . I've not attempted, in any serious way, to capture that light before, but really wanted to try today - took a few attempts, but this is pretty much how I saw it (including muck on the window despite me cleaning it the other day!) so to me, successful and therefore today's Blip.

I left Al cleaning the pond/stream while I pottered into Glossop to try out the Camera Club assignment i.e. pick up to 3 locations to sit for half hour and make notes about photographic opportunities - minus camera. Had already decided to sit at the outdoor market cafe. Unfortunately, the market was virtually empty due to stallholder illness.

Armed with my lovely moleskin notepad Al bought me ages ago to make photographic notes in, a bacon muffin and a (too milky) mug of tea... (£2 all in, can't complain), I started to make scruffy notes (trying not to be worried about that, only reason I've not used it is because my writing is so poor and I didn't want to spoil it!). I sorta cheated again as I had my 'little' camera with me - had hoped I might get an opportunity to do some candids. There weren't many passing people, but two ladies perched opposite me for quite some time so I had a play at photographing them surreptitiously with the camera resting on the table.

I also sat and made notes in the Square for a while, enjoying the warmth from the sun and watching others soaking up the Springness in the air. Hard to believe there was blizzard conditions 3 days ago!

When I got back we spent ages dismantling/cleaning/disinfecting 11 bird feeders, but they're now ready to refill in the morning. Hopefully this will encourage lots of grateful birdies to come and pose for me tomorrow!

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