E. B. - - -

Lladro ornament !
Sorry forgot to get another blip today. So this is my offer so that the day can be recorded. ( for me)
Last night just before I retired , horror of horrors , one of my radiators had sprung a leak, oh yes, and what a leak! A soaked carpet the length of the radiator , it had been happily leaking for a few hours I think. However I mopped up as much as was possible , at this point the leak had subsided. Having put a container under the said offending item , retired to bed.
It didn't seem to have leaked anymore by morning , spoke to The Rev and "A" and came to the conclusion that it happened when it was under pressure , ie when the heating came on. So will keep a close eye until I can get it sorted. So other than that I've pottered , done a few chores tried to finish my book, that's my day.
The weather hasn't been too good , hope you've all managed to make the best of it.

Grateful ..... for advise re radiator

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