The Wanderer Returned

I mentioned yesterday that I had been a little preoccupied, and this is the reason.

Looking after this boy is not usually any cause for anxiety but, over the last three days, just to be different, he decided to forego his delicious meals, absent himself for hours at a time day or night and then finally go walkabout.

This left me very concerned and considering my next course of action - asking neighbours, posters on lamp-posts... .  Last evening, as I was sitting waiting and deliberating in his house,  his owner phoned from her holiday to say that he had been located over 500m away, on the other side of the park, trying to enter another house. That owner had their own cats and took him to a local vet, who read his microchip but, having no accommodation, transferred him to a branch in town for safe keeping overnight.

And that is from where we collected him this morning (photo on left) and delivered him to his own house, where he tucked into his own food dish, none the worse for wear (photo on right).

I have been round to serve his tea and found him happily resting, even gave me a purr, so I left him to it and returned home, greatly relieved that all is well.

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